Christ Church Oxford


Robert Hooke Commemoration 2003

A tercentenary commemoration of the life of Robert Hooke took place under the auspices of Christ Church, Oxford



Tercentenary conference in London

Hooke News Latest information on celebratory events, etc.

Robert Hooke: Rod Beavon's pages

Chronology of Robert Hooke

Robert Hooke from the Robert Hooke Science Centre

Robert Hooke from the Isle of Wight History Centre

England's Leonardo: Allan Chapman

Hooke the surveyor: Michael Cooper

A commemoration of Hooke's life and works was arranged under the auspices of Christ Church, where Hooke was an undergraduate member and where his inventive career began. The symposium was held in the Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford, on Thursday 2nd October 2003 from 10:30 to 4:30.

The symposium took the form of a meeting in which some of the present-day holders of the positions Hooke occupied will take part. The Speakers included Dr Allan Chapman, Professor Michael Cooper, Dr Ellen Tan Drake, Professor John Enderby (Secretary of the Royal Society), Sir Roger Penrose, Sir Martin Rees (Astronomer Royal) and Sir Christopher Zeeman.

An Exhibition of Hooke memorabilia including Micrographia that was shown in the Library, Christ Church, has now closed.

College of Physicians
College of Physicians, Octagonal Theatre, designed by Hooke
This Symposium was supported by the Royal Society, The Linnean Society, The London Mathematical Society, The Royal Academy of Engineering, whose generosity is gratefully acknowledged.

A multi-author volume on Hooke and his discoveries, linked to this Commemoration, will be published in 2004.

Hooke's Telescopes and the Orion Nebula


Contact us:

Dr P.W.Kent, Convenor
Development Office
Christ Church



Christ Church : a college of the  University of Oxford